Monday, 23 December 2013

365 Grateful

Christmas 2013

I have been interested in the story of Hailey Bartholomew and her photographic book "365 Gratefuls". Her journey was inspired by her effort to fight depression - over the course of a year she took a Polaroid photograph each day of anything that she felt grateful for. Through her project of looking for the good in things she saw her personal life transformed. Hailey posted her images on flickr and her project went viral - having an accidental yet far reaching effect on the lives of many others, some embarking on their own projects. Her work has appeared in newspaper articles, blogs and magazines globally and she is now making a documentary on the extraordinary powers of gratitude.

I cried a big 7 months pregnant cry when I read the Foreward to her photographic journal - having been able to relate to her story at various times in the past. I live a life so full and amazing yet somehow the day to day pressures of being a mother at home with a child and housework and daily chores can be exhausting and soul destroying - as much as it is wondrous and rewarding. I know there are many other women out there who experience the same feelings.

I was so inspired by Hailey's story that I have started my own 365 Gratefuls over the past few days, as a personal experiment. I have noticed a positive shift in my perspective. I have slowed down and focused on details I had not paid attention to. I am more calm and am enjoying the small moments. My first 'grateful' is for Christmas - being able to spend it with my family and my friends.

Wishing you and yours an amazing Holiday Season and New Year 2014 - may you find many things for which to be grateful. 

Friday, 6 December 2013

Shop It Like It's Haute

Shop's 3-day Christmas Sale. Starts today. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

MyWitness Personal Safety App

My brother Adam Jones has launched his amazing Personal Safety App - MyWitness. Watch the demo video and download the app.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Om Shanti

I love how relaxing it is practicing yoga while my 2 year old blows the recorder outside the bedroom door.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Coffee With Mary Kay

I recently had a facial makeover with a local woman who is a rep for Mary Kay Cosmetics. In my ignorance I had never heard of the brand but I was totally surprised at how great it made my skin feel - it has been uncharacteristically neglected after two years of motherhood and pregnancy, always being outdoors living on the farm, lack of sleep, dehydration and just general laziness.

As we shared life back-stories over coffee and cosmetics it occurred to me that it wasn’t really about just buying a lipstick, but rather about the female relationships and bonds formed through these events - not so much about making that American Quilt but about personal tales woven like tapestries in between. Steel Magnolias are alive and well and living rural NSW.

This remarkable woman’s story was inspiring and encouraging and reminded me of how grateful we have to be for what we have, even in the face of adversity. It has been a major struggle for me some days living where we do. Lack of culture and convenience aside, it gets bloody lonely. I know that I am not the only person to feel this way simply because I live on a property in the middle of nowhere - more of us are living alone, often in cities, working long hours and feeling a palpable sense of isolation and disconnection. Needing to have some 'tribal bond' is a very primitive and deep rooted part of human nature and perhaps that is what makes us want to reach out. Making friends can be difficult so as much as I have never been a group kinda gal, I have to say that I am thankful for social support networks for bringing people together, offering the hope of friendship and communication, even to have a laugh and possibly enrich someone's daily life just a little. Thanks Mary Kay.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Get your Ghoul on

I am late with my tricks and treats for this year's All Hallows Eve. Thank gawd for my go to home girl Martha Stewart who has some last minute Halloween suggestions for one of my favourite celebrations.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sunday in Thailand

Finally I have been up to something interesting enough to make me want to blog about it. The monotony of being a house frau/farm hand/working Mum has got the better of me lately and I have had a major case of bloggers block. Every time I come up with a literary epiphany I sit down to write and nothing comes out. Who the hell cares about what I am going to say? I have come so close to publishing tips on how to keep a 2 year old occupied and how to braid my bay leaf tree, but, thank the Lord, I have not. At least for now the curse has lifted and we are spared.

It was my partner’s Birthday last month and as a gift to him I booked us a Thai cooking class this past weekend, at Spice I Am in Darlinghurst. He hates curries so it was a gamble, and one which paid off big time as he really enjoyed it. It was one of the best things we have done in a while and a really great way for the two of us to spend a day together without child, learning something new. Sujet Saenkham, Executive Chef and Director of the successful Spice I Am restaurants in Sydney, was so inspiring - his back story is both remarkable and humbling and we loved every second of his class.

There were three dishes on our menu to make – Gaeng Ped Yang - Roast Duck Curry, Som Tum – Green Papaya Salad and Pad Prik Khing Pla – Stir Fried Crispy Fish Fillet. The spice level was enough to send me into an early labour being 4 and a half months pregnant, but they were delicious and simple to cook - given a highly talented Thai chef held our hands through every step, the “Market” table where we gathered all our fresh ingredients was fully prepared for us, and the clean up was non existent due to the amazing staff. And we enjoyed a great glass of wine at the end with our meals we had cooked. I was so spiced up I couldn't even drink all of mine. 

As well as having delicious self made take out for lunch the next day, we have come away ready to build our vegetable patch – with Chillis, Kaffir Limes, Basil, Cherry Tomatoes and Papaya as our starting crop. I also have three new meals to add to my very small repertoire. Guess what we are going to be eating all Summer?

Sunday, 15 September 2013

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If you or a friend would like to subscribe to's customer list to receive updates on new season, events, cool jewel offers and our Haute Off the Press Newsletter please click on or follow the link below. Thanks!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Focus People........Working From Home

Pic Courtesy of - Lego's Office
As I launch my new online store I am open to any tips to get focused working from home. I have always had a place of profession to go, to get in the zone and be productive in my business. Now I face the challenge of working at home with a toddler, partner, animals, chores, cleaning, washing, cooking, phone, TV - the list goes on when it comes to distractions and interruptions. With lack of room to have a space just for myself and my office, I am going to have to really be committed to the task at hand. Here is a list of handy hints from Remodelista which I came across this morning. I am hoping it will provide some insight. I know that putting our son in front of DVD's all day is not responsible parenting but I find that helps..........
  • As much as possible, take care of distractions before working. If you are distracted by disorder or something that can be completed ahead of time, take care of these items each night before heading to bed so you can focus on work the next day.
  • Work at your best time. Find out what time of day you are most productive,then structure your schedule so you can do the work that requires the greatest amount of focus during the times when you are at your best.
  • Work at a table or desk. Work in a place that feels like you should be doing work there. Sit at an organized desk (or table) and in a sturdy chair.
  • Keep your to-do list visible. Start each day by reviewing your to-do list or creating one so you have a clear understanding of where you’re going. Crossoff items as you go.
  • Add deadlines to your task list. Use a calendar, a stop watch, or any other device that will help you to reach goals by specific times.
  • Keep email notifications turned off. Since email comes in at random times, it is hard to work without interruptions. Check e-mail on a schedule or when you take a break. If you can, turn that notification off when you need to focus.
  • Have water and healthful snacks close by. Selecting your snacks at the start of the day will keep you from taking excessive breaks to the kitchen.
  • Take breaks and stretch. At least once an hour, you should move a little to keep you at your best.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

It's Official - has launched

Delilah Dust Fishbone Bracelet

My eboutique has launched!

Take a peek online for your haute jewellery fix of International and Australian jewellery designers. Amber Sceats, Paige Novick, Sophie Blake, New Tradition and From St Xavier are amongst the cool collections available. likes to be social. Visit on Facebook.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Hut and Manor Candles

Always on the lookout for a little light in my life - new candles to burn in my home - I have found the most beautiful range by Hut and Manor.

Made in Australia from soy wax, the candles come in 3 scents – Rose and Coconut, Violet and Lime and Frankincense and Myrrh. The packaging is simple, sophisticated and stylish and the glass votive is as sexy and subtle as the fragrance they burn. Designer Alex Conrick created the Hut and Manor line with the aim of “filling your home with happiness, laughter and love, with family and friends”. Available online soon from Available now at Appartamento 57 in Woollahra, Sydney. 

Sunday, 14 July 2013

What a Difference a Year Makes

When I first started The Farmer Wears Prada a little over a year ago, I was not working - at least not for money - and I was needing my own creative and emotional outlet as I was struggling to adjust to giving up my career in Fashion Retail, being a new mum and living with my family on a farm. For anyone following my blog this past year I say a big THANKYOU! It has served as some much needed therapy and has been something I could call my own. If I have shared anything that has provided some inspiration or amusement or encouragement or even plain old interest, I am over the moon. It has helped me through some dark days and some great ones.

My aim when I began was to blog something new each week. For the past 8 months I have been working on a new business - an online jewellery store, which is about to launch any day. As I have been juggling running a business from home, together with managing a household, family and farm, my time to devote to myself and my blog has been less and less. I am excited to be working again – I realize that I am much happier as a woman/mother/partner/friend/family member when I am a professional girl as well. I am eager to get back to my blog regularly this next year, as I embark on another life chapter with my eboutique. Watch this space.

Cool and covetable jewellery from all over the globe. Launches August 2013. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

You've Changed

It has been two years that I have lived on the farm full-time and 3 and a half years since my partner bought it. Lately it feels as though the city has been all but beaten out of me.

I bought a Toyota Hilux SR5 4X4 Diesel last week. Black, side steps, nudge bar, tow bar and trailer wire harness. Quietly it is hot and I love it, but I gave up my BMW and have now fully committed to the practicality of country motoring. No more soft push-open cup holders. You gotta put in some work and pull.

Most days I find myself wearing checked shirts (albeit by Isabel Marant) and Ugg boots (Stella McCartney circa F/W 2010) so I am glad that Grunge is back as sometimes I feel like I am slipping when it comes to my high fashion roots. My designer wardrobe and stilettos are wasted on a trip to the local vegetable stand. I still make at least two Paris Hilton outfit changes a day but it is usually because I have dirt or chicken shit on me from when the dog has jumped up.

Days go by when I have not left the island. I have not seen another person or car other than my partner and our son (and my new Hilux). We went out with friends in Sydney a couple of weeks ago and my partner had to drag me home at 3am. I could have kept going until at least the sun came up and the ugly lights were on. I used to be the first to leave a party, happy to be a bit elusive. Now I barely get off our property, let alone into the city, I am a die hard trash bag. When friends and family come for a weekend or lunch, I am that lush who drinks and talks a lot and feels like I have used them as therapy as I don't get enough human contact. A homemade Dirty Martini while I am cooking our son dinner feels like a 10 course degustation at Le Maurice in Paris or a Cosmopolitan at Bulgari Hotel Milan. That was then, this is now.

If dirty feet are the sign of a happy heart mine are black as soot - but what the hell happened to me?

Thursday, 9 May 2013


Our son had a Febrile Convulsion last Thursday. It is a seizure caused by a sudden spike in fever which leads to a short burst of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It is quite common in children. Their undeveloped system basically shuts down and needs to recalibrate itself. It can happen once and never again, or it can be a regular occurrence, however children grow out of it usually by about 6 years old.

My partner had left for work early and I was getting our son ready for day care. He had a slight fever but nothing out of the norm of teething. He seemed happy as always. I noticed him straining a little so I put him in front of the TV while I ate my breakfast at the table behind him. A minute or so passed - he was unusually quiet watching cartoons so I checked him. He had vomited. He was blue, his eyes were in the back of his head and he had stopped breathing. 

I freaked out, but was strangely calm - we are so isolated on our property and I was by myself, so it was only me that could do anything for him at that moment. All I could think of was brain damage with lack of oxygen. I cleared his throat – I had to pry open his jaws as they were clenched due to the full seizure. He vomited whatever he had choked on and turned pink again. I placed pressure on his back to clear anything else and called 000 in a panic as he was still seizing. I had no idea what was happening. The operator talked me through the situation and told me to lay him on his side and keep him cool – that it was most likely a Febrile Convulsion. She called the paramedics and stayed with me on the line until they arrived. We live about 45 minutes from anywhere and they arrived in 25. The seizure lasted the whole time. As soon as they walked in the door my son sat up like nothing had happened. The only thing he said was “uh oh”. My partner met us at the hospital – he made a 45 minute F3 drive in about 5 minutes. We were both so shaken, but after spending the day in Emergency, our son was given the all clear. We have all come down with the most revolting gastro the past week – let’s just say we have lost at least a few kilograms. Our son has been such a soldier and smiled through the whole thing. He is saying words and recognises pictures that he did not before the seizure - it is like he has been struck by lightening. One plus that has come from his episode. The brain is an amazing thing.

The experience reminded me of how precious this life is and how grateful we should be each day for our blessings. I say this every day usually, however it is now more clear than ever for me. We all have our own lives to live, our paths to take. The things that happen to us along the way and how we deal with them make us who we are. I really empathise with parents who have a sick child and who have to spend days, weeks, months in and out of hospital – how stressed and concerned they must be 24/7 to see their little person so helpless. To lose a child must be heart-wrenching and I can not imagine how difficult that journey would be. I know I was not ready to hand over ours. We tend to fight for causes close to home - I share this story to bring awareness to a very common medical condition. 

For more information on Febrile Convulsions and how to treat them go to:

Monday, 29 April 2013

On Parenthood

Dax Shepard - on his first time away from his daughter. Courtesy Who May 6 2013

Monday, 15 April 2013

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Say it in Colour

pics courtesy of Design Moderne

Monday, 8 April 2013

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Monday, 11 March 2013

Grazia Australia RIP

Someone's Family

Pics on a wall. Gosford NSW.

Saturday, 9 March 2013