Monday, 23 December 2013

365 Grateful

Christmas 2013

I have been interested in the story of Hailey Bartholomew and her photographic book "365 Gratefuls". Her journey was inspired by her effort to fight depression - over the course of a year she took a Polaroid photograph each day of anything that she felt grateful for. Through her project of looking for the good in things she saw her personal life transformed. Hailey posted her images on flickr and her project went viral - having an accidental yet far reaching effect on the lives of many others, some embarking on their own projects. Her work has appeared in newspaper articles, blogs and magazines globally and she is now making a documentary on the extraordinary powers of gratitude.

I cried a big 7 months pregnant cry when I read the Foreward to her photographic journal - having been able to relate to her story at various times in the past. I live a life so full and amazing yet somehow the day to day pressures of being a mother at home with a child and housework and daily chores can be exhausting and soul destroying - as much as it is wondrous and rewarding. I know there are many other women out there who experience the same feelings.

I was so inspired by Hailey's story that I have started my own 365 Gratefuls over the past few days, as a personal experiment. I have noticed a positive shift in my perspective. I have slowed down and focused on details I had not paid attention to. I am more calm and am enjoying the small moments. My first 'grateful' is for Christmas - being able to spend it with my family and my friends.

Wishing you and yours an amazing Holiday Season and New Year 2014 - may you find many things for which to be grateful. 

Friday, 6 December 2013

Shop It Like It's Haute

Shop's 3-day Christmas Sale. Starts today. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

MyWitness Personal Safety App

My brother Adam Jones has launched his amazing Personal Safety App - MyWitness. Watch the demo video and download the app.